
Yeah that’s me, so what? A 24 year old Floridian so wrapped up in politics I sometimes forget to sleep. I am the anti-Gideon Yago and though I attempt to be as even handed as possible in my political endeavors, some viewpoints are insuppressible.
I love a good argument so much so that it has resulted in many tense moments. I buck the trend of every twenty-something in America and abroad having a leftist doctrine of beliefs, standing rather for sensibility and the truth.
I believe strongly in the constitution and the dreams and aspirations of our forefathers. I am broad minded and research everything to the best of my ability, taking nothing at face value.
I continually do my best to present the arguments largely ignored by our modern media while staying away from the conspiracy ridden ideas commonly found in the blog-o-sphere. I thank you for supporting my vision and I hope you will visit this website often.
Shawn Wasson